The launch of Westbourne's fifteen-year masterplan in 2023 was a milestone in the future-making of our school, establishing the catalyst for reshaping education from Prep to Year 12.
A school for the future

The exceptional new middle school building is purpose designed to suit the school’s contemporary pedagogical approach, with three learning levels created for enhanced collaboration, innovation and wellbeing.   

The completed design will encompass 

  • Innovation hubs
  • Collaboration and breakout spaces
  • 32 general learning areas
  • Student-led café
  • Reception
  • Staff study and lounge areas
  • Health and wellbeing centre  
  • Lecture theatre
The new middle school building and landscaped precinct will be an exceptional asset to Westbourne's teaching and learning experience, however, it is the people and programs that will bring it to life. Our pedagogical framework 'Inspire' will shape the learning and provide staff with more tools to help year 5 - 8 students achieve outstanding outcomes.
Teagan Collins | Associate Principal
Years 5 - 8

Years 5 – 8 are important transitionary years and the middle school creates the learning and development bridge between the junior and senior programs. It is a dynamic time in a young person’s life and their overall wellbeing is supported through an integrated academic, social, and emotional learning environment. The curriculum for Years 5-8 focuses on advancing students’ critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity, and emphasises hands-on, collaborative learning to promote deeper comprehension.

Divergent Thinking | GearED Learning | Innovation | Entrepreneurial Learning

Middle Years Curriculum

Features of the curriculum from Years 5-8

  • Connecting with industry professionals and mentors
  • Mentoring (Year 8 students paired with Year 5 students)
  • Problem solving
  • Business mindset
  • Digital literacy
  • Marketing and Public Relations
  • Ethics and Philosophy
  • Project management and development of business plans
  • Studies including café culture, sustainability and tourism
  • Global perspectives, education and sustainability
  • Sustainable development goals and work of the United Nations
  • Teamwork, collaboration, resilience and leadership

Frequently Asked Questions

All students currently in the Junior School will move to the middle school:

Current Year  2024       |      Middle School Year 2026

Year 3                                            Year 5

Year 4                                            Year 6

Year 5                                            Year 7

Year 6                                            Year 8


GearED learning focuses on hands-on, engaging learning experiences inspired by Seymour Papert’s constructionist approach. It encourages students to construct knowledge through interactive, meaningful activities.

While other schools may have similar programs, the GearED curriculum is unique to Westbourne. We have reviewed various successful implementations and tailored our curriculum to best suit our students’ needs.

The program aligns with the Victorian and National curriculums’ emphasis on creativity and problem-solving. It includes case studies, startup analysis, and projects focused on sustainability and global development.

No, the new Year 8 program will not replace the Year 9 entrepreneurial learning subject. It will enhance the skills students bring into Year 9, allowing for a more comprehensive learning experience.

Students will have various leadership roles, including participation in a student representative council and middle school council. Leadership skills will also be developed through service learning, camps, and co-curricular activities.

Students will engage with design thinking, business planning, and real-world applications such as running a student-led café. These activities are intended to build entrepreneurial mindsets and practical business skills.

Tutor and CARE will be part of the timetable for students and teachers. It is envisaged CARE will form part of the structured curriculum, however this will be finalised upon timetable confirmation. will have a dedicated wellbeing lesson. 

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