The CARE program is sequential across Prep to Year 12. Within CARE there are eight domains which are developmentally staged and reflective of the essential aspects of a contemporary and in some cases compulsory wellbeing curriculum.
We are pleased to release our Wellbeing publication. This initiative has been led by the Wellbeing Executive and features the cornerstones of our multifaceted wellbeing approach, as well as voices from within our community. Wellbeing is everyone’s business. Our aim is to work together with students, parents, staff and our broader community to create a culture where there is a shared wellbeing language, and everyone feels connected to a positive and thriving community.
To learn more about our school’s approach to wellbeing, please view our publication.
Our organisational and wellbeing structures are extensive from Heads of Schools, Heads of Campus, Directors of Year level, Heads of Houses, classroom teachers and tutors all playing significant roles. In addition, School Counsellors, and the School Nurses and Health Centre support individual and collective wellbeing in the school.
Throughout the school there is a strong focus on healthy lifestyles, personal wellbeing, mental health, cyber safety, protective behaviours and generally caring for self. This is supported through the wellbeing programs across the school including our ‘Shaping Learners Series’ – a program of invited guest speakers and workshop facilitators who bring specialist skills, global perspectives and transformational life experiences to our important conversations, for students and staff.
The school is committed to implementing the principles of Restorative Justice to encourage students to develop responsibility for their own actions. Restorative practices have been incorporated into a whole school approach and is represented by a range of informal and formal strategies such as the use of effective language, restorative conversations, class circles and community conferencing. Restorative practices involve the use of transferable values and principles to promote social equity in relationships, empathy and personal accountability.
In senior school Houses provide the framework for pastoral care with Heads of House monitoring and following up all students for academic and wellbeing progress. The Houses are in friendly competition for sports, public speaking, singing and community activities. Students are deeply connected to their Houses and House spirit is strong.
Junior school also has Houses in which they undertake sport and other activities. All Houses are named for significant historical figures in the school’s history of local history.
The school Health Centre is a medically equipped facility with registered nurses who provide immediate first aid and care during the School day. School nurses play a proactive role in health and wellbeing programs, and every Westbourne staff member participates in first aid, anaphylaxis and asthma training. Our counsellors are qualified psychologists, providing support for students across the school. Dedicated careers counsellors support senior school students and families through the processes associated with subject choice for VCE, Careers Discovery and some of the preparations that support a successful VCE experience.